Social Distance
Remaining safe means redesigning your workplace. We’ve created effective spaces for many clients and we can help you adapt yours for today’s guidelines:
Spreading out and reorienting workstations, adding screens and panels, retrofitting workspaces and reconfiguring floorplans.

Prepare For Protection and Prevention
Infection control is going to be a key factor to keep your employees and customers safe. Incorporating health screenings, keeping PPE supplies ready, adding hands-free dispensing and reducing touch points are essential. Look to us for solutions that help minimize transmission.

Cleaning is critical to providing a safe return to work. In addition to disinfecting, sanitizing and hand hygiene, consider smooth, easy-clean surfaces. Think durable, bleach cleanable, antimicrobial – we have options to update your space for new cleaning standards.

The workplace is changing and it will be important to keep your workforce informed. Our signage and boards are a smart way to communicate new protocols, social distancing reminders, cleaning guidelines, hallway traffic flow and more.

Safety Supplies
Disinfectants and sanitizers will now be a workplace staple, and you’ll want at least a 30-day supply. Our storage, dispensing and disposal solutions will help you manage these supplies and provide easy access in public areas and at personal workspaces.